As The Daily Telegraph reports, the big dry is not the only drought farmers are experiencing. There is a drastic shortage in eligible women going on, and as a result many farmers turn to big cities looking for love.
NSW Young Farmers’ chairman Josh Gilbert says the collapse of many rural events — including the traditional bachelors and spinsters balls — has made it increasingly difficult for country people to meet a match.
When it comes to the 18-40 group of people, there has been a huge shift, as most women tend to move away from regional towns looking for jobs or education.
“There are not many people that are left in some places and those that are left are tradies or farmers. Finding someone you’re not related (to) or are friends with is hard. That’s why online dating and apps give people a chance to connect people.”
Mr. Gilbert also says that television shows like Farmer Wants A Wife have brought new opportunities for farming men to find eligible women, and it also gave a people a glimpse of how living on a farm looks like.
“Farming is very trendy at the moment especially with the food revolution as people are interested in where their food comes from,” Mr Gilbert said.
Just like the rest of the world, farmers are turning to online dating and they’re being quite successful at it. With so many dating websites and apps, it has become easier for farmers to find their matches.
(via The Daily Telegraph)